Friday, October 25, 2013

The Secrets Behind Commercials


Commercials have secrets that most people don't know how they work on them every time.  I chose this commercial because it was one of the few commercials that I fell for.  One technique  from each is  endorsement for commercial 1 and for number 2 uses emotional appeal because its suppose to make you laugh.  That personally  is my favorite technique because it makes me laugh or sad and helps me under stand it better.  I also think that it gets more customers buying the product.  I think that because people I know and sometimes me get something that ends up to be a BIG RIP OFF,obviously im still mad about it.          

                                                                  My Opinion

In my opinion I think that the mighty wings commercials 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Super Croc the Beast

Super croc,was a killer beast who did what ever he wanted,when he wanted.  With 132 strong
teeth that fierce beast could take down a T-REX!  Scientists believe he was a enormous monster.  Scientist Paul Sereno discovered his bones in Niger Africa 2000.  Dinos shook when they
see him they never knew when he came there way.

In my opinion,Super Croc is the most fierce beast that ever walked earth.  According to the article
from National Geographic Sereno and his team brought back 20 tons of bones,and his scull was
6 feet long!

Super Croc  

 Personal Thoughts 

According to the article "Supercroc" by peter winkler, "The scull alone was 6 feet long" which can only cause us to assume that the croc itself had to be enormous.  Archeologist Paul Sereno estimated the size of super croc to be 40 feet and 8 tons!  Sereno was able to estimate the size of him just by his 6 foot scull.Peter Winkler also states in his article, "Super Croc's mouth was designed for grabbing prey including fish,turtles,and dinosaurs       

   Super Croc Video                                      

 Top Ten Super Croc Facts

1.Super Croc weighs 10 tons.
2.He is 40 feet long compared to the bigest croc now is 20 feet long.
3.His jaw is 6 feet long to hold all of his dead pray.
4.He lived 110,000 million years ago.
5.He ate turtles and small dinosaurs.
6.He could take down a T-REX.
7.He has 5 cousins pancake croc,duck croc, rat croc dog croc and the most vishous,the bour croc. 
8.Had 132 teeth to rip the flesh off of dinosaurs
9.He had 250 bones. 
10.He only lived a few million years.

Conclusion and Questions

After reading this blog did you ask yourself any questions?  If you did, leave a comment below.  Thanks for visiting my blog and I will talk to you guys later.